Saturday 6 June 2015

Art at School

Gracie's school took part in a very cool project this year. 

The kids in her Kindergarten class drew a monster on a large piece of paper. 
It was sent to a Grade 4 class who coloured it in. 
Then it went to a Grade six class who added texture.
Next a Grade 9 art class took over.
Lastly, a High School fashion class made some of the monsters into stuffed animals. 

It was a very cool process. Once it was all completed all of the kids got together to meet and see how their artwork turned out.

They had all kinds of centres to participate in. Colouring their original monsters,

making play-doh monsters,

and decorating cookies.

They got cool monster t-shirts, 

made chalk monsters,

and met all of the kids who worked on the project. 
Grcie's artwork only made three of the steps because there are so freakin' many kindergarteners in her school. Haha! No other class had 70 students, so they did what they could.

This is Gracie's finished monster. 

Hers started out as a flying monster that was circled by smaller monsters. The other kids added all the rest. 

How creative is that? I was really surprised. 

Also a little worried.... 
Is that monster perhaps a mother? With all of those little babies??

Am I reading too much into this? Haha!

Either way the kids had so much fun and  enjoyed the project and the fun field trip.

Ahhh, Kindergarten.

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