Gracie's soccer season is over. The Kilkenny Cubs had a great spring and really started to play well together. The kids seemed to all have fun, they all learned a thing or two, the parents were great, we had the best turn outs (even on rain days), and every single player got at least one goal, so they were happy.
Gracie started to really lift her head up and play well. She's still a little hesitant to get in the mix, but when she sees an opportunity, she jumps on it. She can dribble the ball the length of the field, and keeps it close and under control.
She's a good team player and likes the social aspect of soccer just as much as the physical. And snack time... she likes snack time...
She gained a little more confidence from last year and even though she's still one of the smallest, she's brave enough to get in there and have fun. She calls out her teammates names before she passes and actually thinks out her moves.
She was also lucky enough to have her dad as coach this year. I can credit a lot of the changes I saw in her to Brad's skills as a coach.
He was great with the kids, a perfect mix of silly and serious. I was impressed that he could keep them organized and doing drills for the hour long practices and motivate, encourage and even strategize during games. He was willing to teach skills, but was still aware that it's Under 6 soccer.
Great season Cubs! Emma and I had fun cheering for you.