Wednesday, 25 December 2013

May your days be Merry and Bright....

I'm behind, of course. Suddenly, it's Christmas day and we're sharing pictures from a week ago.... 

Hope you all have a great day and a festive and happy season. 

And back to our December Daily!

Day 18: Candy Cane Lane

Gracie tarnished the nativity scene again, by riding the camel. Papa and Emma looked on with dad.

Check out these lights!

And ice sculptures

And rockets?!

Day 19: Gracie's Christmas Party at Preschool

Santa even came!

Emma was having none of that. She almost took Papa's sweater off.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer....

Day 16: Our first batch of Christmas Crack 
aka. Salted Chocolate Carmel, Pretzel Bark

Day 17: Donating to Santa's Anonymous

Gracie had to pick out a toy to give to someone in need, and after some serious discussion about what exactly that meant - "What do you mean kids don't have houses? Are they building them a house? Let's tell them to come live here."
 and after being reminded of those less-fortunate kids 8 times in the toy store - which was waaaay too distracting, 
she picked out an excellent gift to donate.
I added a few things and we dropped the bag off for someone to enjoy.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Dashing Through The Snow

Day 14: Christmas Book Advent

Day 15: Zoolights

We've never been to this event in Edmonton before, but it was fun. We saw an owl, bobcat, arctic foxes, the elephant, seals, and a few lemurs. Maybe a few others, but that's what I remember...

Skating or sledding, this outdoor rink was a blast. It was lit up in colourful lights and there was Christmas music playing. 

This was Gracie's first time skating this year. It took her a few minutes to remember how, but once she got the hang of it, she did great.

Gracie posing in front of the colourful beaver dam.

Exploring a cave

And posing :)

The zoo in Edmonton is doing a big renovation and it looks so much better than it did last time we went. It was a fun night out and it was so nice and warm. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

What the kids are up to

Time for a few random pictures!

Bath time

More Jumpy Castle Shots

Basically, they're a blur the whole time.

Bailey hasn't been in many shots lately. He's always involved.

Gracie got a new haircut and chose to get it in a police car.

and then played in their ball pit quickly.

Emma will stretch as far as she can without actually walking... The Christmas balls hanging above our table are the perfect incentive, but she'll only stand and reach.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Emmazilla caught in action!

A beautiful tea party all set up and ready for Gracie's unsuspecting dolls. 

Emmazilla notices the party and is sure her invitation was lost in the mail.

She makes herself at home and helps out by pouring tea and entertaining guests. Where is the hostess anyway? 

Gracie returns to see the carnage, and moves everyone to higher ground, 

but sacrifices one doll to secure the other's safety.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells...

Day 9:
Christmas Cards in the mail!!

Day 10:
Advent Gifts

Day 11: Spending Time Together

Day 12: 
Decorating our gingerbread house

Everyone was in on it.

Our gingerbread man was toilet papered and our snowman is green, but it looks good to me!

Pretty awesome, right? 

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Sisterly Love

Emma and Gracie in the Jumpy Castle

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Two layouts

Quick ones for Emma, with a few close ups. Enjoy!

 Cute, little polaroids.

These are both pretty old, I remember when se sat and smiled in her carseat and stayed in one spot when I put her down.... those days are long gone.

 I love these stickers.

Anyone feel like singing "Skina-Ma-Rinky-Dinky-Dink?"

Thursday, 12 December 2013

December Daily - Fa La La La

December 8 - 
Snowman Poop cookies
"They're actually sweet," says Gracie.

And our family, hanging out....

Under the TREE!

Yep, Gracie and I went and picked out our tree. 

December 9- Decorating that tree!

The youngest helper. And she only broke one bulb. 

Posing in front of our work of art.

The tree is a little bottom heavy ;)

Gracie captured Brad and I decorating, too.

And the star on top.